The Ex-Pat Tag – a break from our usual transmission.

Like many other bloggers/ immigrants, I follow the blogs of several other Brits abroad, or US settlers in the UK as a means of staying in touch and feeling part of a large community of shared experiences. One of my favorites ,  Kylie of Between England & Iowa, recently honored me with a mention in her … More The Ex-Pat Tag – a break from our usual transmission.


We just had our first critter encounter ,with a psychotic chipmunk. It dashed across the road at us and Black Dog was all “what is that? I must kill it!” Brown Dog started baying like the Belvoir in full cry and leaping so high off the ground in cat pounces, it was more like flying a kite … More Critters

Sleeping Beauty – US and UK bed sizes

It turns out that like many size related issues, things change as you cross the pond. (For example as soon as I set foot on American soil, I drop two dress sizes, my feet get two sizes bigger, thamy boobs stay exactly the same size.) A super king in the UK is roughly equivalent to a king in the US (see, everything is larger in America), but my interest is piqued by the discovery that there are different kinds of king size on a state by state basis.
More Sleeping Beauty – US and UK bed sizes


Always a big deal for me, I missed this year because of a migraine, luckily a friend came over the following wednesday so that we could carve our pumpkins any way, so I thought I would show case my pumpkins, past and present. 2008 i was in America until just before Halloween and the pumpkins … More Halloween